A Big Thank You To All The Individuals And Organizations That Keep Paul ‘Hucklebuck’ Williams’ Music And Legacy Alive:
The SwingZone with Shane Malfent and Samantha Noon on Zoneradio
RockMusicTimeline for helping keep rock and roll history alive!
The Law Firm Of HertzSchram for handling the musical affairs of Paul ‘Hucklebuck’ Williams
Grandma Cyd host of the Heavy Petting Zoo: Make-Out Music & More from the ’30s-50s. Sats. 7-9 p.m., CST; 91.7 FM-Madison/ Not even remotely an actual grandma.
Tom Coulson host of FullMoon Hacksaw Live and Broadcast Jazz and Blues SYNDICATED JAZZ AND BLUES RADIO FROM PHOENIX
DJ host Jessie Miner podcast #092 Hey Mister Jessie
Frederick Martins radio host of the Black n’ Blues Bar in Brazil. Mr. Martins produced a radio show featuring the musical story of Paul “Hucklebuck” Williams in May 2013 in Portuguese and English. The Portuguese version can be listened to and downloaded here. The English version can be listened to and downloaded here.
ClassicSoulRadio features Paul “Hucklebuck” Williams in its blogsite. Click here.
The band Planet D Nonet pays tribute to Paul “Hucklebuck” Williams by recording his songs ‘Hoppin John’ and ‘Canadian Ace’. The song Hoppin John is on the CD Blowin Away The Blues Vol. 1 and Canadian Ace is on Blowin Away The Blues Vol. 2
Marc Myers writer of the ‘JazzWax’ blog site, Baritone Boogie.
The Blues and Rhythm magazine In Britain for publishing an article in the August 2011 issue (#261) about the musical life of Paul “Hucklebuck” Williams, by his son Earl Williams
Read the article Click here.
Paul “Hucklebuck” Williams is mentioned on this site
He is also listed in the credits on an LP titled “Happy Organs Wild Guitars & Piano Shuffles” that includes the # 1 hit “HAPPY ORGAN” by DAVE “BABY” CORTEZ; BUDDY LUCAS – TENOR, and PAUL “HUCKLEBUCK” WILLIAMS – BARITONE.
Photographer Joseph Rosen: Joe took pictures of Paul clowning around with fellow saxophone player Illinois Jacquet. The pictures were taken in the 1990s for a book. Unfortunately the book deal fell through, but the pictures look great. The pictures of Paul can be seen on his Facebook Page.
Classic SoulNetwork: To request Paul’s music, click “Request Line” scroll to the bottom and click ‘P’ search for Paul Hucklebuck Williams and Paul Williams
Dennis Gruenling host of Blues and the Beat – Dennis interviewed Paul’s son and former Paul Williams band member Earl Williams. Unfortunately Earl Williams passed away in January 2013 before a second interview could be done. Both men were looking forward to a second interview. Dennis is a well-known harmonica player who tours regularly. Click here.
Jacky Niewiadomsky host of RadioSky-Music Jazz
The Commissioner host of Cruisin’ With The Commissioner
Matt The Cat host of Matt the Cat Juke In The Back Matt did a radio program of Paul’s music Episode #166 which aired July 8 – 13, 2013.
We Love 50s 60s 70s
Andy Roman and Bob Steel of ElmTreason. Elmtreason is a rock and roll band that is acoustic, jazzy
Photographer Joseph Rosen – Joe took pictures of Paul clowning around with fellow saxophone player Illinois Jacquet. The pictures were taken in the 1990s for a book. Unfortunately the book deal fell through, but the pictures look great.
Ray Beckerman on twitter @RayBeckerman . Ray posts the 1950s Rhythm and Blues performances on twitter featuring the Paul Williams band. The Paul Williams band played behind the greatest artists of the day.
WNMC Radio Playlist Playlist 90.7 FM
LISTEN TO the interview on Paul ‘Hucklebuck’ Williams broadcast on WBRT the Bourbon City Blues Program, Bardstown, KY, Thursday November 6, 2014. A BIG THANK YOU to radio host Pen Bogert for exposing his listeners to the music of Paul ‘Hucklebuck’ Williams.
Paul is listed in the credits on an LP titled “Happy Organs Wild Guitars & Piano Shuffles” that includes the # 1 hit “HAPPY ORGAN” by DAVE “BABY” CORTEZ; BUDDY LUCAS – TENOR, and PAUL “HUCKLEBUCK” WILLIAMS – BARITONE.
He is listed in this link
I also have him listed in “The History of Top 40 Saxophone Solos-1955-2020” which is on Facebook by John Laughter